The Quebec PAH research group is made up of university professors, clinicians and fundamentalists, with varied but complementary and multidisciplinary expertise mainly covering epigenetics, metabolism, cellular response to stress and cardiopulmonary physiology and exercise. This allows us to carry out transdisciplinary projects from the study of the gene and its regulation to the establishment of clinical trials.
The success of our group depends on the work of a team
of dedicated principal investigators, research coordinators and students.
Every day, each of them contributes to our success.
Sébastien Bonnet, PhD
Sébastien Bonnet Ph. D., FAHA
Principal Investigator
Full Professor, Faculty of medicine, Laval University
Director of the Canadian research Chair in translational research in pulmonary vascular diseases
Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH); chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD); coronary disease.
Career path
After having completed a doctorate degree in vascular physiopathology in France and a post-doctorate degree in vascular biology in Alberta, Dr. Bonnet settled in Québec city, as an associate professor at Université Laval and a researcher at the Research Centre of the IUCPQ where he continues his research in the cardiovascular field.
Professor Bonnet was named Fellow of American Heart Association and Director of the Canadian Research Chair in vascular pathology. This title, considered as one of the greatest honors in the scientific community, is allotted to researchers who showed leadership, creativity and exceptional competence in the advancement of fundamental and clinical research in the cardiovascular field.
The accomplishments of Professor Bonnet led to the discovery of mechanisms causing pulmonary arterial hypertension, a fatal disease which strikes mainly young adults. His team also discovered two substances likely to treat this disease effectively. Drs Bonnet and Provencher are the founders and directors of the pulmonary hypertension research group.
Work description
The group of Dr. Bonnet uses a multidisciplinary and translational approach (from genes to population) in order to study the molecular and cellular mechanisms involved in the development of the process of vascular and bronchial remodeling. This work allows the identification of new biomarkers, thus improving the identification and clinical management of individuals afflicted by PAH. His research also identified new therapeutic targets such as Pim-1, miR-204 or PARP-1 in PAH. In addition, numerous works carried out in the laboratory of Dr. Bonnet aim at evaluating the impact of these targets in the COPD and the coronary diseases which have several similarities with PAH.
The recent association of Drs Bonnet and Provencher creating the pulmonary hypertension research group offers new prospects of research in PAH. Indeed, the association of the fundamental research of Dr. Bonnet to the clinical research of Dr. Provencher allows research projects initiated in the laboratory to reach the patient’s bedside which will accelerate, without any doubt, the discovery of new therapies.
Awards and distinctions
- Virtuose de la santé, Tribute to underline the remarkable contribution of honored researchers, their dedication in research and in training high caliber succession in health sciences, Laval University, 2022
- Yves Morin Price, awarded to highlight the quality of its supervision of graduate students for residents and the transmission of his passion for research, Faculty of Medicine, Laval University, 2019
- Recognition award, scientific chair of Pulmonary Vascular Research Institute annual congress, 2019
- Chair elect program committee of the American Thoracic Society (2018-2020)
- Chair SCILL committee of the American Heart Association (2017-2019)
- Pulmonary Vascular Research Institute North America representative, 2019
- Pulmonary Vascular Research Institute Research award, 2017
- European Respiratory Society Research Award on Pulmonary Hypertension, 2015
- Prix Louise Rousselle-Trottier awarded by Fondation des maladies du coeur et de l’AVC-Québec for his study entitled ” Role for DNA damage signalling in Pulmonary Hypertension”. This award of excellence is given to the researcher who has attained the highest rating evaluation for a research project on hypertension, 2014
- “Jonathan Ballon” Award from the Heart and Stroke Foundation – Québec, for the highest rated scientific research project: “Role of miRNAs in pulmonary hypertension”, 2013
- Nominated for the Springer Junior Investigator Award of the North Amarican Vascular Biology Organization (NAVBO), 2012
- Honored and distinguished member of pulmonary hypertension association, 2011
- American Heart Association best abstract award, 2011
- Nominated as fellow of the American Heart Association, 2011
- SQHA young investigator award, 2011
- Best Canadian Researcher of the month of December by CHR, 2010
- Hypertension Canada young investigator award, 2010
- Canadian Cardiovascular Society young investigator award, 2010
- The Cardiovascular Health Network (CHN) – Pfizer Canada Grant for the Future award, 2019
- American Heart Association best abstract award, 2009
- Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada New Investigator Salary Award, 2008
- Paul Mann Award for Translational Research, 2006
- Fraser Mustard Award from CIHR, 2005
- American Heart Association Cournand & Comoroe Young Investigator Award, 2004
- CIHR: Replication stress and pulmonary hypertension: Role for checkpoint kinase 1 (2018-2023)
- HSFC: Role for FOXM1 in DNA damage response and cell survival in pulmonary hypertension (2014-2017)(2017-2020)
- CRC: Translational research in pulmonary vascular diseases (2015-2020)
- CIHR : Role for miRNA in pulmonary hypertension (2012-2017)
- CRC : Vascular remodeling diseases (2010-2015)
- HSFC : miR-204 in pulmonary hypertension (2011-2014)
- CIHR : Experimental therapies for vasculare remodeling diseases (2008-2013)
Steeve Provencher, M.D., M. Sc., FRCPC
Principal Investigator
Director of the Pulmonology Research Axis at the IUCPQ-UL Research Center
Director, Pulmonary Hypertension Program
Associate Professor, Faculty of Medicine, Université Laval
Principal Investigator
Interests :
Pulmonary arterial hypertension, exercise physiology, muscle adaptation, hemodynamics, pulmonary embolism
Career path
After completing his specialty in pulmonology and a master’s degree in experimental medicine, Dr.Provencher completed two years of post-doctoral training in pulmonary hypertension at the Antoine Béclère Hospital in France. Since his return, he has been director of the pulmonary hypertension program at Laval University in Quebec City. His research program focuses on the pathophysiology of exercise, as well as the mechanisms leading to the development of pulmonary arterial hypertension.
Work description
Dr. Provencher is working on the mechanisms of stress intolerance in pulmonary arterial hypertension. In collaboration with his colleague, Professor Sébastien Bonnet, he is also interested in the mechanisms leading to the development of pulmonary arterial hypertension, as well as the clinical validation of biomarkers of this disease. Together, in clinical trials, they are currently evaluating the clinical effects of two new treatments from their pulmonary hypertension laboratory. His interests in exercise pathophysiology and biomarkers have also led to work on pulmonary embolism, post-pneumonectomy and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Awards and distinctions
- Yves Morin Award, awarded to recognize the quality of the supervision of graduate students or residents as well as the transmission of his passion for research. Faculty of Medicine, Université Laval 2019
- Award of Recognition, leading the scientific program of the Pulmonary Vascular Research Institute Annual Conference, January 2019
- Recipient of a Senior FRSQ Fellowship as a clinician-researcher from 2015 to 2019 entitled “Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension: A Translational and Multidisciplinary Approach”.
- Jacques Leblanc Award (nominee), awarded to the Director of Research with the highest level of excellence in student education (2011).
- Marc Julien Recognition Award, awarded by the Internal Medicine Residents of Laval University (2011) in recognition of the outstanding work done in teaching hospitals with residents, dedication to its patients, clinical competence, and quality of care.
- François Brenot Award from the European Respiratory Society (2004), recognizing the most promising young investigator in the field of vascular pulmonary sciences.
Contributions and activities
Director of the Pulmonology Research Axis at the IUCPQ-UL Research Center
Member of the World Symposium’s Canadian Practice Guidelines Committee on Pulmonary Vascular Disease and International Practice Guides.
Research Committee Chair, PHA Canada
Associate Editor of European Respiratory Review and Respiratory Medicine & Research.
Member of the editorial board of the European Respiratory Journal and editor for many scientific journals.
Jury member of granting agencies, including Fonds de Recherche en Santé du Québec, PSI Foundation, Medical Research Scotland and Netherlands Asthma Foundation.
Over 150 conferences invited to provincial, national and international conferences.
Organizer of several provincial, national and international medical conferences.
Head of Pulmonology Division, Department of Medicine, Université Laval
- IRSC: BET inhibition in PAH: a phase 2 clinical trial (2019-2024)
- IRSC: PARP inhibition in PAH: A Phase 1 clinical trial (2018-2021)
- IRSC: RUNX2-related pulmonary artery remodeling and calcification in pulmonary arterial hypertension (2015-2020)
Olivier Boucherat, Ph. D.
Principal investigator
Adjunct assistant Professor, Faculty of Medicine, Laval University
Pulmonary hypertension, lung development and alterations
Career path
During his PhD training at the University of Paris Est in France, Dr. Boucherat worked on bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) and congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH), both of which representing are major concerns in the respiratory care of neonates complicated by pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH).
He then moved to Canada for a postdoctoral fellowship in Dr. Jeannotte’s laboratory in the department of Molecular Biology, Medical Biochemistry, and Pathology in Hotel Dieu Research center, Quebec City. Using genetically modified mice, “Omic” technologies, embryonic lung organ culture, and molecular strategies to achieve gain and loss of function both in vivo and in vitro, he initiated and carried through to publication a series of research studies demonstrating the implication of multiple oncogenic signals in the development of lung diseases. After completing his postdoctoral fellowship, Dr. Boucherat joined the pulmonary hypertension research group led by Drs Bonnet and Provencher to better understand the pathogenesis of PAH, identify targets, and validate therapeutic tools.
Work description
Dr. Boucherat’s research program is designed to 1) elucidate the molecular mechanisms that drive pulmonary vascular and cardiac remodeling in group 1 and 3 PH: a prerequisite to identify new promising targets; and 2) find new circulating markers that could be used to aid in diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of patients.
Awards and distinctions
- Abstract Poster Young investigator Award, Scientific University research day CRIUCPQ, Québec City, Canada, January 2019
- New investigator Salary Grant from the Heart and Stroke Foundation, 2018 (declined)
- Aldrighetti Research Award for young investigator, Pulmonary Hypertension Association, April 2017
- Finalist of the Cournand and Comroe award from the American Heart Association (AHA), 2016
- ENTELLIGENCE young investigator award, 2016
- IRSC: Targeting mitosis and senescence to reverse pulmonary hypertension ; a promising therapeutic strategy (2023-2028)
- FRQS: Identification de nouvelles cibles thérapeutiques pour corriger le remodelage pulmonaire et cardiaque associé à l’hypertension pulmonaire (2022-2026)
- IRSC: ATP Citrate Lyase ; an attractive target at the nexus of metabolic and epigenetic alterations in pulmonary arterial hypertension (2022-2027)
- MITACS: Rôle de l’axe Acly-P300 en hypertension pulmonaire (2021-2024)
- IRSC: The anti-oxidative DNA damage protein MTH1, the novel pulmonary hypertension achilles heel (2020-2025)
- APQ-FQSR: Targeting PRC2 for treating PAH (2019-2020)
- IRSC: Role of the long non-coding RNA H19 as a novel biomarker and therapeutic target in RV failure in PAH (2019-2024)
- FRQS: Targeting mechanisms that drive PAH cells’ survival proliferation (2018-2022) (bourse salariale + subvention de recherche)
- CMREF: Targeting replication stress coping mechanisms in PAH (2017-2019)
- ATS: Forkhead-box (FOX) transcription factors in pulmonary arterial hypertension (2017-2019)
- ENTELLIGENCE: Impact of Heat Shock Protein 90 inhibition in pulmonary arterial hypertension (2016-2017)
François Potus, Ph. D.
Principal investigator
Adjunct assistant Professor, Faculty of Medicine, Laval University
Pulmonary arterial hypertension, right heart failure, Methylation and genetic expression
Career path
De 2005 à 2007, il a réalisé, à l’université Jean Monnet de Saint Etienne, une première année du cycle d’étude médicale. De 2007 à 2009 il a effectué sa licence en biologie mention physiologie animale, végétale et microbiologie à l’université Blaise Pascal de Clermont Ferrand France. Il a aussi complété 4 mois cumulés de stages volontaires au centre hospitalier de Roanne qui ont abouti à la rédaction et l’amélioration du “protocole d’exploration dynamiques de Biochimie” présenté aux JIB à Paris.
De septembre 2009 à juin 2011, il a effectué son Master 1 de génétique et physiologie (mention assez bien) obtenu à Clermont Ferrand avec un stage de 3 mois sur “l’interaction entre le récepteur nucléaire orphelin ERR α et la protéine Bacurd II” dans l’équipe du Dr Vanacker à l’IGFL/CNRS UMR 5242/ENS de Lyon, France. Il a aussi effectué son Master 2 génétique et biologie de la cellule (mention bien) à l’Université Claude Bernard, Lyon 1 avec un stage de 9 mois dans la même équipe sur “la Régulation de la stabilité et de lʼactivité transcriptionnelle de ERRα par SPOP”.
Work description
Awards and distinctions
- 3CPR best Abstract decerned to his PhD student Victoria Toro, AHA, Boston, USA, November 2021
- Presentation Award decerned to his PhD student Victoria Toro, Quebec respiratory health research network meeting, Québec City, Canada, November 2021
- Best oral presentation decerned to his PhD student Victoria Toro, Scientific University research day CRIUCPQ, Québec City, Canada, June 2021
- Pulmonary Circulation Travel Award, ATS, Philadelphia, USA, May 2020
- Jane Morse Award for the best Abstract, ATS, Dallas, USA. May 2019
- Pulmonary Circulation Travel Award, ATS, Dallas, USA, May 2019
- Courmand and Comroe Young Investigator Award, AHA, Chicago, USA, November 2018
- Abstract Scholarship, Pulmonary Circulation, ATS, San Diego, USA, May 2018
- Faculty of graduate studies honor roll, Faculty of Medicine, Université Laval, Québec City, 2017
- 3CPR junior investigator travel stipend, AHA, New Orleans, USA, November 2016
- PhD oral presentation Award, Scientific University research day CRIUCPQ, Québec City, Canada, June 2016
- Travel Award respiratory health network from FRQS for ATS, San Francisco, USA, May 2016
- Abstract scholarship, Pulmonary Circulation, ATS, Denver, USA, May 2015
- Award for publication as first author, medical department, Université Laval, Québec City, Canada, March 2015
- Cardiopulmonary best Abstract Award, AHA, Chicago, USA, November 2014
- Excellence Award, Scientific University research day CRIUCPQ, Québec City, Canada, June 2014
- James C. Hogg Award of the Canadian Thoracic Society, ATS, San Diego, USA, May 2014
- Travel Award respiratory health network from FRQS for ATS, San Diego, USA, May 2014
- Grant Pierce Biomedical, cardiovascular forum, Louisville, USA, August 2013 (declined)
- First price, PhD oral presentation, Scientific University research day CRIUCPQ, Québec City, Canada, May 2013
- Young investigator Award, Grover, ATS, Sedalia, USA, September 2013
- Recongnition Award, American Physiology Society, Cardiovascular Research section, Experimental Biology (EB), Boston, USA, April 2013
- Merck Award, Scientific University research day CRIUCPQ, Québec City, Canada, June 2012
- FRQS : From methylation to gene expression, a multi-omics approach for the development of new tools – Junior 2, Université Laval (2023-2027)
- FRQS : From methylation to gene expression, a multi-omics approach for the development of new diagnostic and therapeutic tools in pulmonary hypertension – Junior 1, Université Laval (2023-2027)
- IRSC : Epigenome wide study for the investigation of DNA methylation as therapeutic target and novel biomarker of pulmonary arterial hypertension, Université Laval (2022-2027)
- IRSC : Dysregulation of TET2 and DNMT3A promotes pulmonary arterial hypertension through inflammation, Queen’s University (2020-2026)